The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating and monitoring all fiscal matters concerning the City of Clayton. In particular, the Department is responsible for purchasing; collecting revenues and paying expenditures; analyzing and monitoring the City's investments; developing the annual operating budget; providing the Board of Aldermen and the City Manager with short and long-term financial forecasts and advice regarding financial affairs of the City; administering the two City pension funds, property insurance and risk management; coordinating efforts with public accountants to accomplish an annual certified audit of the City's operation; overseeing all accounts receivable including ambulance billings, parking tickets and municipal court; and processing business, liquor, and other licenses for merchants within the City.

Court and parking ticket payments can be made online, via mail, or in person at 10 S Brentwood. For Finance related payments call 314-290-8442. The City does accept Visa and MasterCard credit card payments.