City of Clayton, MO
Home MenuCommemorative Landscape Change Request
The City of Clayton recognizes the complicated history of our region, which includes the celebration of some histories and erasure of others. The Mayor’s Commemorative Landscape Task Force (Task Force) is considering the historical representation of our commemorative landscape and evaluating whether commemorative objects (e.g., place names, memorials and historical markers) can be interpreted to honor bigotry, discrimination, racism and/or slavery, and perpetuate exclusion. Additionally, the Task Force will be considering recommendations to add or amend commemorative objects, which honor the parts of history that have been misrepresented or excluded.
The Task Force invites you to share your voice by completing and submitting the form below. The Task Force will review submissions during its regular meetings, which occur on the fourth Wednesday of each month. As part of the City's ongoing efforts, the form will remain open.